Monday, February 6, 2012

Genesis 12, 16-18,  21-23

2. Sarah might have kept her mouth shut, because the Lord said to Abraham “him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”  I think she also understood that there was a reason behind all of this because her husband said that she was beautiful, so at least she knew Abraham was not ashamed of her. If she did spill the beans, Sarah and Abe would have been killed or punished by the Egyptians before the Pharaoh would be afflicted by God. Since Sarah was beautiful, she made the perfect distraction so Abe could successfully get what he needed.

3. Abraham and Sarah did not seem to me that they were wealthy enough to have servants. This is where I question how they decided who was higher than the other. I thought maybe Hagar was a whore who Sarah and Abraham took in. With this decision to have Hagar into their family, jealousy comes into play again in the Bible. I think Sarah is more envious of Hagar, not because she gets to have sex with Abraham, but I think it is because she cannot have a child like Hagar can. Sarah says herself that after Hagar gave birth, she feels like she is worthless and has no power, when in truth Sarah is the one who overpowers Hagar. Sarah was the one who let Hagar have a child for her anyways, so Sarah should have been thankful for Hagar.

4. At this point of the story, Abraham has no other choice but to listen to God. Abraham knew God was capable of anything. Since he blessed Abe and his wife a son, which they thought was impossible to do at their age; he also knew he was capable of punishment for not listening.  I’m sure Abraham loved his son, which kind of makes Isaac the perfect sacrifice. If you gave the Lord a sacrifice that wasn’t too meaningful to you, it wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice.  

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