Monday, March 5, 2012

Plato's Republic

"Then Democracy, I suppose, comes into being when the poor win, killing some of the others' and casting out some, and share the regime and the ruling offices with those who are left on an equal basis; and, for the most part , the offices in it are given by is probably necessary  for the man who wishes to organize a city , as we were just doing, to go to a city under democracy. He would choose the sort that pleases him , like a man going into a general store of regimes, and, once having chosen, he would thus establish his regime."
 There is a continuous pattern of separation. If one man desires to rule in a way of his own, another man just as equal in society might have another idea that will enforce him to rule in an opposite direction. And a lot of the issues that they are having seem to be human flaws that are inevitable to occur.It would be democracy against democracy. Even in a democracy there needs to be an authority figure to speak for all. Though if the poor has nothing to offer, how will leadership be pursued? Yes one would have initial leadership over all, but this means taking the blame for whatever happens. A lot of pressure is put on for whoever speaks for all. The poor would not be as educated as the aristocrats, so they would have weak control and knowledge over the people. I guess the best you can do is fight for what you believe, trying to gather as many people with the same beliefs and join together as one group, creating a voice to be heard by the ones who are not aware of the problems they are neglecting. 

"I suppose that because the rulers rule in it thanks to possessing much, they are unwilling to control those among the youth who become licentious by a law forbidding them to spend and waste what belongs to them-- "
 The wealthy can choose to have what they desire and what they need to do . If they choose what they desire , whether it is a nessecity or not, or if it is even a good choice, who is going to stop them from pursuing their desires? Since the wealth have the money, they have the control, knowledge , and forces to protect them. This is unfair and unjust to the rest of the society. It is interesting that such a small group could have power over a large amount of unprivileged citizens. You would think the larger group automatically has the upper hand.

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